
Extension ID:
Release date:
23/12/2009 - 04:32
Operating system:
2.x, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Binary type:
OOo extension (.oxt)
Release Notes: 

To install the extension, just run 'make' in the current directory.

If you just want to build the extension, eg to deploy it later, then run 'make build'. It will create the extension as a file named 'B2UConverter.oxt' which you can install with the help of 'unopkg'.


* Problem: The document is not always fully converted at first pass.
Explanation: This is because of the current way of processing text portions to reduce format loss. A new way is currently investigated.
Solution: Run the conversion twice, it's usually enough.

* Problem: Sometime the clipboard content doesn't get converted.
Explanation: We found out that OpenOffice.org doesn't always keep the font information when doing a copy-to-clipboard operation.
Solution: Paste the content in a new document, set the correct font and then run a document convertion.

* Problem: It doesn't work on Windows.
Explanation: We probably used some instruction not compatible with the old Python version 2.3.4 bundled with OpenOffice in Windows.
Solution: There is currently no solution available. We will correct this bug in the next version planed for the end of December.