
yWriter file converter-v1.32.3


- Update the help text.


- Store the document language and country codes as project variables, thus making them accessible in yWriter.


- Introduce a notation for assigning text passages to another language/country. This is mainly for spell checking in Office Writer.


- When exporting a work in progress to yWriter, process lists and quotation paragraphs.
- When importing from yWriter, paragraphs that start with "> " are formatted as "Quotations".


Read Text-0.8.60

All Platforms

Bug fixes and support. Supports more .wav to .mp3 converters.


Fix VLC exports. Omit Flac export – sometimes created a file with length of zero. Do not ask for metadata with VLC because VLC does not include metadata.
Python update readtexttools.py includes a command for Windows Media Player to play mp3 files.

MacOS Monterey 12.6 uses python 3.9.6, so the release includes a compatibility update.


yWriter file converter-v1.30.0


- New document types for "ToDo" chapters import and export.
- Improved spreadsheet export.
- Improved ODT export.
- Add internationalization according to GNU coding standards.
- Provide a full German localization.
- Consider project names containing a reserved suffix.
- Fix a bug where scene titles are not imported from work in progress as specified.


- Modify scene split warning marker for descriptions.


- Show a warning message if new scenes are created during export to yWriter.

Mongolian spellchecking and hyphenation dictionaries-2022.07.28

Нийт хувилсан үгийн тоо 1.8 тэрбум болов.

- -нгуй/нгүй дагавар нэмэв.
- Оноосон нэр нэмэв.
- Тийн ялгалын үгүйсгэлийн хэлбэрийг буцаан гүйцээж нэмэв.
- Зарим цөөн тооны үгийн хувилалд засвар хийв.
- Буруу бичигдсэн үгийн зөв хувиллын оновчлолыг сайжруулав.