
Read Text-0.8.75

# Read Text 0.8.75 #

## All

+ Allow or deny access to third party scripts depending on the Office version and whether “Enable experimental features” in the “Options” or “Preferences” menu is enabled. (*Resolves [GitHub Issue 24](*).
+ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
+ Require Python 3.8 or higher to enable “Neural” text to speech platforms.
+ `(RESET_ALL)` feature in main dialog.

## MacOS

Read Text-0.8.74

# Read Text 0.8.74 #

## All

+ Allow or deny access to third party scripts depending on the Office version and whether “Enable experimental features” in the “Options” or “Preferences” menu is enabled. (*Resolves [GitHub Issue 24](*).
+ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
+ Require Python 3.8 or higher to enable “Neural” text to speech platforms.
+ `(RESET_ALL)` feature in main dialog.

## MacOS

yWriter file converter-v1.39.3


Change the layout of exported documents.
- Replace the Manuscript's scene comments with invisible scene headings.
- Remove the ODT export's scene comments.
- Replace the Scene description document's scene comments with invisible scene headings.
- Remove several links from the exported document's headings.
This is mainly to speed up the opening of documents in OpenOffice.